Friday, 30 November 2012


  Last lesson we watched the film 'SE7EN' with Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman and Kevin Spacey. Having seen it before, watching it this time round it was very different. This is due to the fact that now having taken media, i notice certain elements within the film, that i would have not before. The camera angles used in this film are exceptional as well as the mise-en-scene, which at one point is the fencing in the police car. This gives the image of the psycho Kevin Spacey's point about humans and so on, gradually becoming right and understandable as the camera moves away from the fencing, slowly unblocking him.

  I think the opening credits in 'SE7EN' is one of the most important elements from the entire film as it sets the thriller genre and storyline from the beginning. The series of close-ups, eerie music and unusual fonts also help to do this, overall creating an enticing opening to a great film!  


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